Man I know mom and dad talk about looking forward to Friday's, but I didn't know they were so much fun!
First I got to have my friends Paul and Sophia over and we played some cars.
But mostly we rocked out in the treehouse and backyard. Complete with taking a drum down a slide... it was very cool! (Till mom made us put the instruments away - something about not sliding with a drum).
But the best was Paul and Sophia brought some chocolate to share! Yum!
Oh and then we went to visit these people that mom knows (where other people were coming and we were...) whatever, anyway there were lots of fun kids to play with and we got pizza and to play with different toys and it was really cool! Even got to stay up REALLY late (which I don't get very much).
Okay good night!
Kaaaaaaaaaaaaa zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzooooooooooooo oooooooooooo.
This is what a kazoo played continuously first thing in the morning sounds like to my daddy. Then he said something about a mini vu-va-vuvuzzzzz-something (parent note: a vuvuzula).
Its not my fault Sloan gave me a noise maker first thing in the morning, is it? At least we were having fun... if not quiet.
Drum, drum, piano drum, Kazoo! Whistle?!
I didn't know we had these cool instruments! I think daddy is hiding them again.
I did get to play with sloan's friends a bit (mostly I was napping). But we did get to go meet some need friends of mom and dad. There weren't any kids quite my age, but I had lots of fun with Zach, Margaret and Alex.